Sunday, February 14, 2010

Reflection on Meeting 1

Our first meeting was held on Friday at 6pm, Com1/basement. The meeting took about 45 minutes and I felt that we had a fruitful discussion. We managed to cover all the points in our agenda and on the whole, i would say that we all did fairly well for our first meeting.

We started off by updating each other on what we had done so far and compiling all our work into a single file. Next we discussed about the different classes that we using and how they would interact with each other. We ended off by delegating the work for the report and decided on a time for our next meeting.

I am glad to say that both my teammates were very easy to work with and I enjoyed the meeting we had together.

Duc was not an overbearing team leader and he was genuinely concerned about the project. I could see this because he was interested in the finer details of the project and i felt that it was heartening to see him paying so much attention to it.

Ferrino was another great asset to the team as he was not only friendly and easygoing, but more importantly, his skills in organizing and management helped us to stay on trek with the meeting agenda.

Despite all the positive aspects of our First meeting, I feel that there are some things that we can improve on. Firstly, both Ferrino and I had a long day before our meeting and our weariness was evident. We should have chosen a time where we would all be fresh and able to contribute 100 percent to the meeting.

Secondly, we forgot to appoint someone to help take the minutes of the meeting. As a result we had to reflect on what we had done and said during the meeting upon reaching home; and then send the details over to Ferrino who so graciously volunteered to compile everything.

This are my general thoughts about the First meeting and I hope that we will be able to improve on it during our subsequent meetings.



  1. Dear Cornelius,

    Reviewing our video after I uploaded it, I notice that we're not that tired in that meeting. It was just that we weren't as enthusiastic in the meeting as before. Still, it should be a key point in our subsequent meetings.

    We should graciously do our best for the team whenever possible. The attribute of 'give-and-take" attitude is a good to have in a team. It relieves the other team members and makes others like you even more. But overdoing it will lead to a one man show for the group project. We need to have instinct as when to extend our help and when not to.

    With that, I hope that we're doing well in our project.


  2. Dear Cornelius,

    I m glad that your meeting was a success.I agree with you that meeting should be held in a good time. For example, if you held your meeting after lunch, everyone will feel sleepy because of the energy use to consume the food inside our body. This will make the whole meeting not productive. I think it will be better if we could held the meeting on holiday and before dinner. During that time, everyone will be quite fresh and able to contribute 100 percent for the meeting.

  3. Dear Cornelious,

    To start off, i would like to say good job to you and your team on coming for the meeting all prepared. I believe that having a constructive idea of what to discuss is the most crucial factor in making a meeting productive.

    You mentioned that you were unable to contribute 100% into the meeting due to the fact that you went through a long day, and that your team should have chosen another date whereby the whole team is more focused. This may be true, but it may not always be possible for the whole team to agree on a timing, especially when dealing with big groups. Hence, having to work, and participate actively even when one is tired is part and parcel of being in a team.

    I would like to point out one good point that Ferrino did. He volunteered to take one for the team and compiled the work for the team. When everyone in a group is unwilling to sacrifice even a bit, no work gets done. However, it is also important not to take advantage of them, or be 'bullied' and do all the work. There must be a give-and-take.

  4. Hi Corn,

    First of all good job for having able to conduct the meeting smoothly.You mentioned that you and ferrino were tired throughout the meeting.I think this can be improved by choosing a better time.It is not a major issue.You also mentioned your group forgot to appoint a secretary.Maybe next time you can list down the things needed to be discussed before the meeting.This will prevent missing important things in the meeting and it will also be easier to record down the minutes if everything is in good order.

    Joon Wai.

  5. Hey Cornelius,

    It's sounds like you have conducted a very productive meeting, although missing out on the minutes might have cost you some ideas.

    Sometimes, it is difficult to find a timing that will fit the schedule of all team members. So it is inevitable that people may be forced to meet up after a hard day's work. The other members should be encouraging, and also understanding if you could not give your 100%. You could always make it up to your team mates by being extra well-prepared for subsequent meetings.

    Initiative is also important, so well done to Ferrino ;D And I hope your group will keep on improving in your meetings as the lab work progresses.

