Sunday, February 14, 2010

Reflection on Meeting 1

Our first meeting was held on Friday at 6pm, Com1/basement. The meeting took about 45 minutes and I felt that we had a fruitful discussion. We managed to cover all the points in our agenda and on the whole, i would say that we all did fairly well for our first meeting.

We started off by updating each other on what we had done so far and compiling all our work into a single file. Next we discussed about the different classes that we using and how they would interact with each other. We ended off by delegating the work for the report and decided on a time for our next meeting.

I am glad to say that both my teammates were very easy to work with and I enjoyed the meeting we had together.

Duc was not an overbearing team leader and he was genuinely concerned about the project. I could see this because he was interested in the finer details of the project and i felt that it was heartening to see him paying so much attention to it.

Ferrino was another great asset to the team as he was not only friendly and easygoing, but more importantly, his skills in organizing and management helped us to stay on trek with the meeting agenda.

Despite all the positive aspects of our First meeting, I feel that there are some things that we can improve on. Firstly, both Ferrino and I had a long day before our meeting and our weariness was evident. We should have chosen a time where we would all be fresh and able to contribute 100 percent to the meeting.

Secondly, we forgot to appoint someone to help take the minutes of the meeting. As a result we had to reflect on what we had done and said during the meeting upon reaching home; and then send the details over to Ferrino who so graciously volunteered to compile everything.

This are my general thoughts about the First meeting and I hope that we will be able to improve on it during our subsequent meetings.


Friday, February 5, 2010

Resolving Interpersonal Conflict

No matter who you are, or what you do, a person will definitely experience conflict with another at some point of time. It may be a small incident or it might even cause the relationship to fall apart. Since conflict is unavoidable, ( unless you lock yourself in your room and refuse to talk to anyone for the rest of your life ) learning how to deal with conflicts is a very important life skill. Sometimes it is best to face the problem head on and resolve the issue while at times it is wiser to let the issue slide.

An example of a conflict that occurred recently ( I have modified the story and exaggerated it a little bit ) was between two of my friends, A and B. Friend A had recently been dumped by his girlfriend and was extremely distraught. He turned to friend B for help and being a good friend, B consoled A. He also spent much time giving A advice on how to manage future relationships.

A few months later, A found another girlfriend but the relationship turned sour soon after due to the same mistakes made by A. A once again went to B for help, but this time B refused to help A and he even called A "an immature person who refuses to listen to advice". A was naturally furious and as result both A and B are now not on talking terms.

I feel that B was frustrated with A as he did not take the advice of B. It can be very disheartening when you realise that all the time and effort you have spent are for naught. This was also the main reason behind B's outburst at A, further aggravating the conflict in the process.

On the other hand I feel that A also feels much resentment towards B. He feels that he has been humiliated because after exposing his vulnerability by confiding in B, B not only refused to help but ridiculed him instead.

I feel that the main problem now is both parties do not think that they are in the wrong and like so many other conflicts, their pride prevents them from making the first step towards reconciliation. Both of them must be made to realise that losing a friendship over a petty quarrel is not worth it. So now, how can I , as a friend of both A and B, help them to get back on speaking terms with each other? Please post your views in the comment section below :)
