Saturday, April 10, 2010

Reflection on principles of communication/Teamwork on programming and problem-solution projects

After three months of projects from both CG1413 and CG1102, we have finally reached the end. I admit that this semester has been much more hectic compared to last semester but at the same time I feel that I have learnt many soft skills which will be extremely useful for future semesters as well as when I go out to work.

Over the course of this module, I have learnt many things about communication. But one thing I learnt which I found extremely useful was that communication is a two way process and that proper communication requires listening as much as talking. I have been trying to listen more to my teammates over the course of this module and I feel that I am now able to understand what they are trying to bring across more clearly. I realised that my teammates often have insights that are easily missed if I had not been listening carefully to them. Thus by listening before jumping to conclusions I feel that I have learnt much more from them than I normally would have.

As for teamwork, I used to think that the team leader is the only important person. But after countless projects and presentations, I have come to a realisation that every member in the team plays an equally important role. A team leader is important as he/she is the one who decides the direction of the project, but if the team members do not respect and follow the leader, the project is bound to fail. As for me, I have learnt to always contribute my best to the team no matter what role I am assigned. I realised that if I do my best and always produce what I promised, I will be respected no matter what position I hold.

I have also learnt that teamwork is all about compromise. There was once during this module where I felt that my idea was better but the team decided to choose another idea instead. I could have sulked and refused to contribute to the project, but by doing so I would have placed the entire project at risk. So I decided to do my best for the team even though I might not fully agree with the idea. As it turns out, the team did very well for the project and I am glad that I chose to compromise. I might not always get what I want but the important thing is to let the minor issues side by and focus on the main objective.

Finally, I would just like to thank Miss Brenda and all my teammates for making this course such an enjoyable one.



  1. Hi Corn,

    I think that you have improved a lot in your communication and presentation skills since the first day i met you. I remember when i first met you, you were the type who would not participate actively in a group conversation. After many group meetings and discussions, you gained the confidence to talk more and to voice out your opinions.It has been a great pleasure to work with you in a blog group and also in our problem solving project. I am happy to hear that you have learned a lot from this module. I can see that you really put in a lot of effort to this module .All the best for your final exams.

    Joon Wai.

  2. Hi Corn,

    I can see that you did learn some good communication skill during the class. The first day i met you, you were very quiet and sometimes group discussion, you don't speak that much. But after some time, i notice that you always contribute idea to your team, and always stays calm during the discussion. I agree with you that team leader is just a part of a role in a team, and every member is equally important to the team. If every team member including the team leader play their role, then effective teamwork can be achieve easily. In the end, good luck for your final exams.

  3. Hey Cornelius,

    I'm glad you found this course beneficial to your future endeavors, as i have the same sentiments as well. The knowledge learnt from this course is not really tangible, in the sense that is does not comprise of complicated formulas to memorize or calculate, but yet, it is something that we continuously apply in everyday life without even realizing it. Hence i feel even though we may not be able to understand and utilize these soft skills to their potential at the moment, i believe that with constant practice, we would all one day become effective team communicators.

    Sadly, i too realized that listening is sometimes more important than talking and giving suggestion, but perhaps i realized it a tad too late. Nonetheless, i would be sure to change for the better, and understand my teammates more in future. I sincerely apologize if i have been overbearing during any point of the project. =)

    To end off, i would like to wish you all the best for the upcoming exams. STUDY HARD!! =)
