Sunday, March 28, 2010

Reflection on Oral Presentation 2

On 25th April 2010, our group presented our problem solving project. I would say that on the whole, we did a fairly good job but there is still much room for improvement.

Individual Reflection
For me, I felt that my pronunciation was still not as clear as I would like it to be. I stammered over a number of words and this caused my overall presentation to seem a little "jerky". I should have slowed down the rate at which I was talking, thus allowing me to articulate each word better. Being nervous (although this time round it was not as bad as the first oral presentation) also contributed to me talking a little bit to fast. I should have tried to calm myself down by taking deep breaths before my turn to present. I also realized that while pausing to think of what to say next, I kept saying "erm" without realizing it. I think that this also contributed to my presentation not being able to flow as smoothly as I would like it to. I will have to put in a conscious effort to stop myself from uttering useless sounds that only serve to distract the listener in the future.

This time round, I definitely felt more confident and I felt that I did a better job compared to the last presentation. I took Miss Brenda's advice and tried not to make unnecessary arm movements. It felt a little awkward but I realized that I looked more professional after viewing the video recording. This time round I also did away with the cards as I felt that it was more of a hindrance then a help. Although I had to memorize more, I felt that it was better as I could speak more freely without always having to refer to the cards. I also tried to make my presentation more lively by injecting some humor. It helped to keep the audience attention and I will definitely try to add more humor for my subsequent presentations. All in all, I have learnt and improved quite a bit, but I still feel that I have to put in much more effort in order to be a good presenter.

Team Reflection
One the whole, I felt that the team fared relatively well, but there were some things that need improvement.

Firstly, as we did only our part for the slides and combined them without much editing, it sometimes felt as if there were 5 different presentations rather then 1. We should have spent more time ensuring that all our slides have a common theme and that they flow well. We should also have ensured that all our slides would run smoothly on the laptop thus preventing the technical errors that occurred during the presentation.

Andy spoke very fluently and he managed to bring the points across clearly to the audience. One aspect that I feel that he can improve on is maybe he should add some humor into his presentation. This way, he will be able to capture the audience attention more fully. During the Q&A session, he also did a great job to answer all the questions clearly. But I felt that he should have given the rest of the team more chances to answer as well. This is also partly our fault as we were also hesitant to answer.

Joon Wei also did a good job with his part as he was calm and articulated clearly. One thing I feel that he should do is to ensure that he understands all his slides very well. In that way, he might not have forgotten what the abbreviation stood for. I understand that sometimes being nervous makes you forget everything but maybe in that case he should have written it down somewhere or even included the full name in the slide itself.

Anni was a little nervous at first but she managed to overcome it and give a good presentation. Like Andy, I feel that maybe she should add a little humor to her presentation and try not to be so tense.

Jeisern did a wonderful job with the power point presentation and I could tell that he really captured the audience's attention. One aspect that he can improve on is his energy when talking. He should try to inject as much passion into his speech as he did with his power point slides.

In conclusion, I would just like to thank all my teammates for working really hard on this presentation. I felt that we did a good job and I hope that we will do an even better job in the future :)
